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+250 788 307 204

X-ray Fluorescence (XRF)
Elemental Analysis, Process and Quality Control
XRF analysis – one of the best analytical techniques to perform elemental analysis in all kinds of samples, no matter if liquids, solids or loose powders must be analyzed. XRF combines highest accuracy and precision with simple and fast sample preparation for the analysis of elements from Beryllium (Be) to Uranium (U) in the concentration range from 100 % down to the sub-ppm-level.
Energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) is the best choice for dedicated applications in
quality and process control with demands for ease of use and compact size. It delivers analytical flexibility for research and monitoring tasks.
Wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (WDXRF) is known for its unrivalled accuracy,
precision and reliability. This robust analytical technology has made its way into all kinds of industrial
applications, such as cement, polymers, refineries, mining, and industrial minerals.

The S2 Polar masters all requirements for the S analysis from diesel
to crude oils.This also includes continuous process control of higher sulphur levels in refineries as well as norm-compliant
Ultra-Low Sulfur (ULS) analysis of final products.
The S2 polar complies with the international S norms such as ASTM D7220, D4294, and ISO 13032.
With its capability to measure multiple elements simultaneously, including Cl for corrosion prevention and P against residue build-up,
the S2 POLAR is well suited for the analytical demands of refineries
in the one single instrument.
The S2 Polar is also well suited for the norm- compliant analysis of additives in lubricating oils according to ASTM D6481 and ASTM D7751 that includes the elements in edible oils (e.g. Mg, P, Ca) or palm oils.

The benchtop EDXRF instrument is used for solid and liquid samples, prepared or bulk, for the elemental analysis from carbon to americium
(C – Am). Detectable elemental concentrations in the samples can range from ppm up to 100%.
The HighSense Technology of the S2 PUMA Series 2 combines high-power (50 W), long-life-time X-ray tube with closely coupled optics
and the HighSense™ detectors. The HighSense™ (for Na to Am) and HighSense™ LE detector (C-Am) are next generation silicon drift detectors (SDD) with high count rates, superb energy resolution, and Peltier-cooling for shortest measurement times, excellent data quality and low operation costs.
The unique sample handling options of the S2 PUMA Series 2 make it the perfect fit for many applications in industry and research, where precise and accurate results must be delivered fast on an easy-to-operate instrument.
Depending on sample type and desired throughput, the versions Single, XY Autochanger, Carousel, Automation, and Mapping-Stage cover all possible scenarios. The S2 PUMA Series 2 Automation is the only benchtop EDXRF spectrometer, which is ready for full integration into automated laboratory environments. The Mapping-Stage enables automated multi-spot analysis collected on small and large samples
(up to 152 mm in diameter).

The S6 JAGUAR offers more analytical power with typically more than 50% reduced measurement times than any other compact WDXRF instrument, featuring its new compact WDXRF goniometer, closely coupled optics, and 400 W direct excitation power. Based on the brand new HighSenseTM XE detector with its ultimate linear range of more than two Million cps, it delivers excellent accuracy and precision for quality control in industrial labs.
The S6 JAGUAR system components are well protected by our proven SampleCareTM technology, ensuring highest instrument uptime and lowest cost of operation, especially when running liquid or powder samples.

Thanks to HighSense technology the S8 TIGER Series 2 WDXRF spectrometer delivers for all elements accuracy and precision for industrial quality and process control.
With high resolving WDXRF technology and optimal detection of light, medium and heavy elements based on the new HighSense beam path, the XRF2 mapping tool of the S8 TIGER Series delivers best sensitivity, smallest spot size, and highest resolution for small spot applications.
Ergonomic and failsafe operation are vital for efficiency and best analytical data. Simple, intuitive start of samples are guaranteed with
the multilingual TouchControl interface.

The new S8 LION´s simultaneous wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence (WDXRF) spectrometer provides the fastest time-to-result for process and quality control in the cement, minerals and mining industries.
Based on multichannel technology the S8 LION delivers, for up to 16 elements, very precise and accurate results within shortest measurement time. For cement industry the S8 LION can additionally measure the free lime concentration in raw materials, intermediate compounds and final products. High savings on energy costs and reduction of the CO2 emissions are achievable with these results.